The Art of the Guild Merge


I just typed this up as a response to a forum post off the top of my head but now I’m wondering: for goal-oriented (non-social) organizations in a game, is this really true? Or are there other issues at work.

I also have gone through many guild merges (they’re called guilds in World of Warcraft and Everquest) and what’s necessary, always, is one of three things:

One shell must be so weak that they merge because otherwise they will disband due to lack of members (this will develop eventually into clique syndrome, but the clique might be inbred enough to survive the merge, esp. if the shell is that small).

One shell must be so strong that leaving them would be suicide (think: 1 shell has all teh bots, the other doesn’t).

Both shells’ leaders need the other (most times one side assumes the other needs them, and then it turns out they didn’t after they get kicked once the banks have been merged. Yes I’ve seen this happen first hand), normally this happens when one shell has all the tanks, the other all the casters.

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